Author Archives: Sally Gwin

Welcome Father Singano!

We welcome Father Peter Singano, a priest from the Diocese of Tanga, Tanzania, who will begin his course of study at Elmira College in September. Like Father Richard Kajiru, Father Peter will be residing here at St. Mary Our Mother and assisting us in the parish during this time of study.


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St. Mary Our Mother School 2024-2025 Registration

St. Mary Our Mother School is accepting student registrations for the 2024-2025 school year for grades pre-k-3 through grade six. Openings will be filled on a first-come first-serve basis. Parents or guardians who are new to St. Mary Our Mother School will need: birth certificate, baptismal certificate, immunization records and a completed parish commitment form for members of the parish. The nonrefundable registration fee is $200 per family. Both before and after school care are available. For further information, please call St. Mary Our Mother School at 739-9157 during summer hours from 8:00 a. m. – 2:30 p.m.


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St. Mary Our Mother School Annual Golf Tournament – September 15, 2024

If you are looking for a great way to spend a fall afternoon with your friends
out on the golf course, we hope you will join us for the
19th Annual St. Mary Our Mother School Golf Classic.
You will be able to enjoy your love of golf while raising funds to support our school.
The four-person scramble tournament will be held on Sunday, September 15th,
at Willow Creek. There will be dinner immediately following the tournament.

You can register an individual player, register a team and/or sponsor the tournament by
completing a registration form and mailing the form or dropping it off with payment to
St. Mary Our Mother School, 811 Westlake Street, Horseheads, NY 14845.
Registration forms are available in the church vestibule or at the school.
All checks should be made payable to St. Mary Our Mother School.
If you have any questions regarding the tournament,
please contact the school office at 739-9157.


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Faith Formation

The beginning of the school year is fast approaching,
and that means the start of our parish faith formation classes.
Following you will find important dates of when each
program will begin.

CONFIRMATION YRS. 1 & 2: Sunday, September 15,
There will be a meeting beginning at 5:00 p.m. in the
church. All incoming 8th graders (year 1) and 9th graders
(year 2) must attend with a parent If your child will be
entering 9th grade or above, has received the Sacraments of
Baptism and First Holy Communion, and has not started
year 2 Confirmation classes, they are encouraged to attend
this meeting as well.

First Penance: Saturday, September 21, 2024, there will
be a meeting at 9:00 a.m. in the church.
All incoming 2nd
graders who plan on receiving First Holy Communion in
the Spring must attend this meeting with a parent. If your
child is in a grade level other than 2nd grade and is at least
seven years old and has been Baptized and would like to
receive First Holy Communion in the Spring must attend
this meeting for First Penance.

Tuesday Faith Formation Program: Our Tuesday program
will begin on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 beginning
at 3:45 p.m. in the church.
Please drop your student off in
the church. Pick-up will also be in the church at 5:00 p.m.

Youth Group: The first Youth Group meeting of the
school year will be held on Sunday, September 29th.
5:00 p.m. All students in grades 6 and above are encouraged
to come and bring a friend.

Home Study: Saturday, October 5, 2024, there will be a
home study meeting in O’Brien Hall following
the 5:00 p.m

All registration forms for each program can be found in
the back of the church next to the bulletin board or on the
parish webpage. If you have any questions, please feel free
to contact Amanda Reeves or Lily Barr at the parish office


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Join the Catholic Action Network

From Fr. Dan Condon, Diocesan Chancellor:

Please join the Catholic Action Network.

The Catholic Action Network (CAN), an arm of the
York State Catholic Conference, gives us all a voice in the halls of government.
Through email and social media alerts,
CAN reaches tens of thousands of Catholics across
York State to provide educational updates on the important issues being debated and to provide the tools
to simplify the
process of contacting our elected officials.
At present, you
will find information on Catholic community efforts to stop
the legalization of physicianassisted suicide and
support the proposed state aid funding for

Catholic schools.
Please consider signing up for the Catholic Action Network:
Action Center – New York State Catholic Conference (


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Prayer Plaque for the Sick

The prayer plaque listing the names of ill persons who have asked for our prayers is posted across from the bulletin board in the entry hall.

If you wish to be listed or know of someone who has asked for our prayers, please call the parish office at 607-739-3817.


◊  ◊  ◊  ◊  ◊  ◊  ◊  ◊  ◊ – The Catholic faith, on demand.

Our parish now has a subscription to FORMED available for all members of St. Mary Our Mother. FORMED allows you to have access to Catholic content from your own home. You are able to watch children’s and family videos, documentaries, listen to podcasts, learn about our rich Catholic faith.

It is easy as 1-2-3 to get started!

• Go to
• Enter our parish zip code or name
• Enter your name and email address, and enjoy!

Learn more at


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