Knights of Columbus
This is a fraternal service organization for Catholic men, operating under the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Our Horseheads Council actively supports our parish community and school, provides strong support of priests and religious, and advocates protection of the unborn.
For more information on the Knights of Columbus, see their national web site.
Bereavement Support Group
The Wounded Healers’ Bereavement Support Group is a not-for-profit 501c2 organization that hosts meetings at St. Mary our Mother School. It welcomes anyone who needs support and understanding in a time of grief regardless of any or no religious affiliation. Its meetings provide on-going support for community members experiencing the devastating reality of the death of a love one. It provides the opportunity to learn how to understand all feelings of grief. Participants are encouraged to ask questions, share feelings, or just listen.
This service is provided by counselors trained in the field of thanatology. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month from 7:30 to 9 pm in the school building. There is no charge for monthly meetings. All are welcome.
Community Kitchen Team
The Community Kitchen Team from our parish plans, prepares, and cooks the midday meal on the second Tuesday of every month at Catholic Charities’ Elmira Community Kitchen, located at St. Peter and Paul Parish Center on High Street. The team is responsible to clean up their preparation and serving area, but not responsible for tableware, dining room, or cooking vessel clean-up. The team generally works from approximately 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The “soup kitchen” guests get their meals on trays at the kitchen serving window and eat in the dining area. As well as providing a nutritious meal, this ministry provides a place for people to gather, socialize, and share a meal. All are welcome.
Nursing Home and Visitation Ministry
These Eucharistic Ministers reach out to those in our local nursing homes and hospitals and those who are home-bound.
These ministers visit, pray with, and distribute communion to those unable to attend church to receive Communion during Mass. These ministers may also assist our priest at Mass in various nursing facilities. In addition, communion services are held in senior living facilities to maintain a sense of community with those unable to attend Mass.
Prayers and Squares (Quilters)
The Prayers & Squares Quilting Group make beautiful lap quilts for our parishioners' ill family members and friends. Jobs involved in creating a quilt include: cutting, pinning, ironing, and sewing.
Completed quilt tops are taken into St. Mary Our Mother School and members work with the 5th graders to tie the quilts together. Then on a separate occasion members join with the 4th graders to pray the Rosary over the finished quilts. Finally the quilts are blessed at Mass and offered to people to take to someone who is ill.
This ministry group meets from 6:00-9:00 p.m. on the third and fourth Tuesdays of the month at St. Mary Our Mother School. No experience is necessary to join our group and you may work for as long as you choose during our scheduled time
Social Ministry
Guided by Christ’s teaching: “…whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” –Matt. 25:40.
The Social Ministry Committee makes it possible for the parish to respond in an organized and planned way to the needs of others. It promotes and coordinates acts of charity to help people cope with current crises and facilitates several programs that assist people in need, including:
• Giving Trees to assist needy families at Christmas with food and children’s gifts.
• Weekly food collections for the Horseheads Food Pantry.
• The Spring Baby Shower to collect items for newborns.
The Committee also educates the parish on national and international social issues through bulletin announcements and programs and promotes legislative action through correspondence to elected officials on social justice issues.
In many of these areas, it works in close conjunction with Catholic Charities.