Here are some reminders of what is happening in the parish to help keep us together as a parish community:

  • Live Stream Masses:  We are live streaming masses on YouTube and a recording is available to view anytime concluding each Mass.  These can be accessed via our YouTube channel or from our Masses page.
  • Chapel visits:  The chapel is open for private prayer Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, and on Sunday from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon.
  • Parish office:  The office is open Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and can be reached at 607-739-3817 or [email protected]
  • Financial contributions:  Thank you for your generous financial support to St. Mary Our Mother.  It is inspiring to know people realize this is your faith community and that your financial support is of utmost importance.  You may mail your contributions to the parish office at 816 West Broad Street, Horseheads, New York 14845. There is also a box in the church vestibule to receive your offering, or you may wish to use our online giving page.
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A Letter from Fr. Chris:

June 3, 2020

Dear Friends,

It hardly seems possible that the month of June is upon us. As the past two and one half months have been, I am sure June 2020, will be much different than other Junes we have experienced. I am especially sad for those graduating from colleges, universities, high school, as well as our own parish school who will not be able to have a “normal” graduation experience from their schools. I hope you and your family are staying well as we continue to deal with the Corona Virus pandemic. As I announced last month, we are offering Sunday Mass through our parish’s You Tube channel. These Masses are recorded earlier in the weekend, and are available through our parish website. Thank you to the many of you who have commented favorably about having the opportunity to attend Mass from your parish church while remaining at home.

We recently received a memo and information from the bishop’s office listing the necessary guidelines and policies that will have to be met before we will be able to return to our church building for Sunday Mass. Some of those directives have been listed on our website (click link here), with additions and updates posted on a regular basis. Please be assured that we will be working as expeditiously and prudently as possible to be meet these policies and guidelines.

Thank you for your continued financial support of our parish, and for your encouragement and support in so many ways through these challenging days. May we continue to pray for our nation, our world, and for one another.

Father Chris Linsler

2025 Lenten Schedule

Daily Mass:
6:45 a.m.—Monday through Friday

Sacrament of Penance:
3:30 p.m. — Saturday
11:30 a.m.—Wednesday, April 2nd—Diocesan Day of Penance, Sacrament available until 5:30 p.m.

Stations of the Cross:
1:15 p.m.—Fridays with St. Mary Our Mother School (when school is in session)
5:15 p.m.—Fridays of Lent (except Friday, April 11th)

St. Mary Our Mother School Living Stations of the Cross
1:15 p.m. & 5:15 p.m.—Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Mass Times

Saturdays: 5:00 P.M.
Sundays: 8:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.

Live Stream & Recorded Mass:Sacrament of Penance is on Saturdays at 3:30 p.m.