Mass of Remembrance – Sunday, November 3, 2024

The annual Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated on Sunday, November 3rd at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. During the liturgy, we remember all those who died from our parish since November 2023 and will remember each of our departed brothers and sisters by name. If you have a family member or friend who has died during the past twelve months whose funeral was not from St. Mary Our Mother and you would like to have their name included during this Mass, please contact the parish office and we will include their names on the remembrance list. All are invited to come and share in this special time of remembering our faithful departed loved ones and offer support for their families and friends.

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Hands of Christ Award 2025 – Nominations Due by Dec 1, 2024

The Hands of Christ is a recognition program to assist parishes in affirming their high school seniors who have been the “Hands of Christ” in their church, home, school, and greater community. You are invited to nominate a high school senior of the class of 2025 for the Hands of Christ recognition.

A nominated high school senior must meet the following criteria:

  • consistently demonstrates a Christian attitude by word and example;
  • has been actively involved in their parish as well as their school community;
  • has been a positive role model for peers and younger children;
  • is a participating member of St. Mary Our Mother parish and attends Mass regularly;
  • is currently a high school senior.

To nominate a senior, please stop at the parish office for a registration form, complete the registration form including the nominee’s name, address, telephone number, and high school along with the examples of the above mentioned criteria. All forms will be reviewed by Father Linsler for approval as pastor.
All nominations are due in the parish office by December 1, 2024.


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Parish Census

The Diocese of Rochester is currently in the process of carrying out a census initiative. The purpose of this census is to gather accurate and up-to-date information about all our parishioners, as well as those Catholics not yet registered in our parishes. By conducting this comprehensive survey and obtaining accurate contact information, we aim to strengthen pastoral care, stewardship, and enhance communication by having a reliable means of informing you about events, programs, ministries, and greater opportunities for spiritual growth at your parish and throughout the diocese.

Kindly be assured that all information provided will be handled with the utmost confidentiality.
The data collected will be used solely for pastoral, stewardship, and communication purposes.

Parish Census Action Steps

Over the coming months, every Catholic in the Diocese will be asked to participate in the census. In the coming days, you will receive an email with a link
asking you to complete the digital census. This email is not spam, you are encouraged to complete it.

Should you feel uncomfortable completing the census shared in the email, we will have opportunities over the next few weeks to complete the census form before and after mass. Should you have any questions about the census process, please contact the parish office

Your participation in this initiative is appreciated.


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Catholic Ministries Appeal

Hopefully, you have received the Catholic Ministries Appeal mailing and have had a chance
to review the materials. The theme for this year’s campaign is Extending Christ’s Mission.
The CMA is a vehicle to help us extend Christ’s mission throughout the Diocese of Rochester.
It supports each of us in our faith life and enables us to live out our purpose as Catholics.
Through gifts to the CMA, we support the larger Church so that it may
meet real needs throughout the Diocese.

If you have not received a mailing, pledge envelopes are available on the table
in the vestibule of the church. Thank you to everyone who has responded with a gift or pledge.
If you have not yet responded, please prayerfully consider a gift.
The CMA provides funding for important programs, services and ministries
that strengthen our whole Church. Every gift to the CMA helps those in need,
supports the mission of the church and comes back to help our parish.

Thank you.
Let us continue to pray for the success of our efforts.


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Stewardship Committee

Our parish has had in the past a Stewardship Committee, which helps raise our awareness of our baptismal call to be good stewards of all God has given us.
At this time, due to the moving and relocation of many members of this group, the time has come for a reorganization of this group.
If you feel the desire to become a member of this committee, please contact Father Linsler through the parish office, 607-739-3817.


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Faith Formation

The beginning of the school year is fast approaching,
and that means the start of our parish faith formation classes.
Following you will find important dates of when each
program will begin.

Home Study: Saturday, October 5, 2024, there will be a
home study meeting in O’Brien Hall following
the 5:00 p.m

All registration forms for each program can be found in
the back of the church next to the bulletin board or on the
parish webpage. If you have any questions, please feel free
to contact Lily Barr at the parish office


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Join the Catholic Action Network

From Fr. Dan Condon, Diocesan Chancellor:

Please join the Catholic Action Network.

The Catholic Action Network (CAN), an arm of the
York State Catholic Conference, gives us all a voice in the halls of government.
Through email and social media alerts,
CAN reaches tens of thousands of Catholics across
York State to provide educational updates on the important issues being debated and to provide the tools
to simplify the
process of contacting our elected officials.
At present, you
will find information on Catholic community efforts to stop
the legalization of physicianassisted suicide and
support the proposed state aid funding for

Catholic schools.
Please consider signing up for the Catholic Action Network:
Action Center – New York State Catholic Conference (


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Prayer Plaque for the Sick

The prayer plaque listing the names of ill persons who have asked for our prayers is posted across from the bulletin board in the entry hall.

If you wish to be listed or know of someone who has asked for our prayers, please call the parish office at 607-739-3817.


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