Reopening – Part 3

Welcome Back to Mass Instructions
Saturday 5:00 p.m.; Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.

As we begin public worship at St. Mary Our Mother the weekend of July 4th/5th, there will be many aspects of our liturgy that will not seem “normal” for any of us. We outline here what you can expect and the guidelines that we ask you to observe when on campus for the protection of yourself, the others you encounter, and our parish staff. Feel free to be in touch with any questions in advance.

We ask that you register each week for the Mass you will be attending, as we need to limit the size of the congregation to 25% of our church seating capacity, approximately 150 people. Please email [email protected] or call the parish office no later than Thursday at 4:00 p.m. Remember that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass has been suspended until further notice.

To prepare to attend:

  • Wash your hands before you leave home.
  • Bring a face covering or mask; masks are required from the time you exit you car in the parking lot until you return to your car. (This also applies for private prayer in church).
  • Bring your own hand sanitizer to use before receiving Communion.
  • Please do not congregate in the church building or anywhere on the campus.

When you arrive:

  • Please see an usher for assistance.
  • You can deposit your offering envelope in the receptacle near the doors when you arrive. There will not be a collection at the offertory.
  • Please sanitize your hands at one of the stations as you enter church.
  • You will be directed to a seat in church, with seating beginning from the front to the back.

During Mass:

  • Generally, there will be little congregational singing, as masks must always be worn throughout Mass.
  • There is to be no physical contact during the Lord’s Prayer or at the Sign of Peace.
  • When approaching to receive Communion, please follow the directions of the ushers or volunteers present. Remain six feet apart from others, observing the markings on the floor.
    As you receive Communion, receive Communion in your hands (there is no safe or hygienic manner to receive Communion on the tongue during the pandemic), walk at least six feet away from the minister before lowering your mask to receive the host, replace your mask over your face, and return to your seat. The Eucharist will only be offered in the form of the Body of Christ only.
  • You are not obliged to receive Communion at Mass if you are uncomfortable doing so. If you are not going to Communion, simply step out of you seat and back away to allow others to return to their Seat with minimal contact.

Going forth:

  • At the end of Mass, the priest will go immediately to the sacristy, and the ushers will direct your exit from the church building, beginning with the last pew first.
  • Private prayer is not available after Mass as to facilitate immediately cleaning and sanitizing of the pews and restrooms.
  • Please go directly to your vehicles when you leave church, with no socializing in the Church, sidewalks, or in the parking lots

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation
As we work our way through this phased reopening process.
We thank you for your suggestions as we move forward!
