The Catholic Ministry Appeal is underway. Our parish goal is $112,209. The CMA video is available on the website at

To give to the CMA online, please click here.

The CMA allocations are posted on the website at This includes the pie chart, as well as a detailed description of each allocation. You can pledge online or use a pledge envelope available in the vestibule at the church.

The donations for the CMA fund the day-to-day operations of the Diocese of Rochester. Without such generosity, the diocese could not continue to support our parishes, including St. Mary Our Mother and fulfill our mission.

Recently the Office of Stewardship and Communications forwarded the following article entitled, “How and When Your CMA Gift is Used.”

When your gift is received, we utilize it immediately for current operations. The CMA supports offices, personnel and ministries that provide assistance and resources to parishes, pastors, parish ministers and Pastoral and Financial Councils through such offices as Safe Environment, Information Technology, Evangelization and Catechesis, Pastoral Services, Finance, Building/Property Management, Stewardship and Communications, the Tribunal, and Risk Management. In fact, the CMA funds nearly 60% of the current diocesan operating budget in seven key areas:
– Serving the poor, the elderly and infirm through Catholic Charities
– providing diocesan-wide services to our parishes and institutions;
– educating the young and young adults in the Catholic faith in our schools, parish religious education programs, and on college campuses;
– funding the ministries of Bishop Matano, the New York State Catholic conference, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Vatican;
– funding operations & support of the Pastoral Center; including maintenance and capital improvements;
– supporting the fundraising efforts of the CMA campaign, such as the cost of mailings, gift and date processing and staffing;.

All funds raised in the CMA are used for programs, services and ministries. No CMA contributions are used in the settlement of legal cases.