Liturgical Ministries


Acolytes assist the presider and other liturgical ministers during Mass. The ministry is open to all parish members in the fifth grade and above who have received First Eucharist. Training is provided for all prospective acolytes.

Children’s Liturgy

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a program offered at the 10:30 Mass most Sundays from September through June. After the Opening Rites, leaders of Children’s Liturgy call forth children in grades one through six and gather them in O’Brien Hall. The Word of God is proclaimed in age appropriate language and supplemented with hands-on activities that enhance the message of the readings. The children rejoin the assembly for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.


Lectors proclaim Holy Scripture during Mass and other liturgical celebrations in a reverent and meaningful way.  One lector is generally assigned to each Mass to read the First and Second Readings and the Intercessions. Training is required for all prospective lectors.

Eucharistic Ministers

Training is required for all prospective Eucharistic ministers. This ministry is open to all parish members 16 years and older.

At Mass, these ministers come forward to assist in the distribution of Communion.

Ushers or Ministers of Hospitality

Ushers assist during Mass by greeting all attending mass, assisting during communion and offering as well as handing out bulletins at the conclusion of Masses.